Saturday, November 16, 2013

Big questions for Ralph's upcoming trial

First, we hope that both the social security number of the original buyer of 120 south Eliot st (our ralph baker)are  placed along side of the ss# of the person who refinanced it in 2006(ralph w. baker jr).
 The signatures, according  to our ralph, are also completely different.

Second, in relationship to 140 metropolitan ave property, it will be important to determine when the Laurence Novelty company  ceased to exist and whether the owner died or went back to Israel, and how the new owners, who oppose Ralph Baker's claim to the property, actually obtained  it.
We think that the Laurence Novelty Company officially disolved  after Ralph took over and before the folks fighting Ralph started making their claim.

we'll see.... November 20th

Thursday, November 14, 2013

What's the difference between Ralph Baker and Ralph W. Baker Jr?

here's a screen shot from the ACRIS web site (Automated City Register Information System for NYC). Note in 7/27/2006 the owner of 120 south Eliot st's name change from Ralph Baker to Ralph W. Baker Jr.
This is when Ralph Baker, the blind Photographer realized someone took a 600,000$ mortgage out on his property. When he went to the D.A. with this issue and instead of getting help with this problem, he was thrown in Rikers and the article below came out.