Monday, January 21, 2013


As I was riding the bus to Ralph's Court date the morning of Jan 14th, Ralph called to say that it was postponed and they would not tell him why or till when.
He ended up going down the following day and  Ralph said his "Lawyer" "threw him under the bus by asking for a 300,000$ bail. The Judge changed it to 200,000$.
When I spoke with Ralph today (MLK day, the 21st) he felt he would be out by Friday by putting up one of his buildings for collateral and then he will be able to continue fighting his cases being that he won't be at Rikers anymore...

Keep your finger's crossed

Friday, January 4, 2013

3 photos of Ralph that I got from his building circa 1994

These are from Ralph's building on the East river at north 7th st in Williamsburg Brooklyn, shortly before the fire department burnt it down for fire training. "This is how they were able to legally block my ownership of the waterfront property"  Ralph told me recently. "You can't lay claim to unused buildings if the building don't exist"